Dec29 2014 Board Meeting – Minutes

RMRR Board Meeting 12/29

David, Dave C, Deb, Michael, Lisa W
Cunningham House

December Race

– great race direction
– great weather
Nice work, Lisa!

January Race

Twin Lakes
Lisa wants to make a race video at the race
Jeff will get the van; Ric has signs and other stuff

Volunteer of the Month

Ric for scoring work
Jimmy Funkhouser for race help
Jimmy is the winner
Deb will give him choice of gift cert at Jan race

Volunteer of the Year

Ric – for his constant work on scoring and directing races
David – managing all race directing and directing individual races for TS and MTS, leading track workouts
Dave C – managing the website, scoring, marketing/Facebook work, board and activity recruiting, store liaison program, leading Denver Marathon waterstop
Michael L – quartermaster, cleaning up storage facility
Janet Fairs – ongoing work getting City of Denver permits, helping at races and MTS
Rosalie, Tom, Sharyl – constant ongoing timing and start work
>> Ken S send an email to the board with nominee names and take votes


Leslie recommends that we cancel our liability via our car insurance AND cancel the Operations coverage – save $1600 a year.
>> moved and approved.
>>  Leslie cancel both insurance pieces.


– Water Bottles:  agree that we want to complete this.  Lisa will work with Polar to complete.
>> Dave send info to Lisa and ask what else he should do.
>> Dave send info to Lisa on Marketing and keeper issues
Questions about how to reach more people.
– Do we want to try six months of sending email through Derek/Runco
– idea of posting new members to Facebook
– need to post more on Facebook
>> Lisa will follow up with Derek and Runco to see what it would cost to include our events in their emails through end of June.
>>  Hilarie to provide a list of new members each month to Lisa, and Lisa will manage posting to Facebook
Facebook engagement is way up with photos.
Issue with Facebook – member posts aren’t seen in the middle of the Page.  Fix = admin reposting.
When members post, we admins need to repost on the page so others can see it
>>  admins will do this ad hoc for now, and we’ll see if we need someone assigned to it
Lisa will look into how pages can tag people like in our photos.


think it’s the weekend before Super Bowl
waiting for Stephanie to confirm date, then add event to Facebook
Sunday Jan 25 – 6pm we think
>> Deb will confirm date and time with Stephanie, then add to Facebook

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